i) Place
좀 더 조용할 데로 가자.
Let’s go somewhere quieter.
ii) Aspect
친절한 데가 마음에 들어요.
I’m fond of her kindness.
iii) Representing tasks
이 책을 읽는 데 세 시간이 걸렸어.
It took three hours to read this book.
iv) Representing situations
운동하는 데 발목이 아프신가요?
Do your ankles hurt while exercising?
Type | Example | Past | Present (processive) |
Future (prospective) |
Retrospective |
AV (vowel) | 하다 | 한 데 | 하는 데 | 할 데 | 하던 데 |
AV (cons.) | 듣다 | 들은 데 | 듣는 데 | 들을 데 | 듣던 데 |
DV (vowel) | 빠르다 | 빨랐는 데 | 빠른 데 | 빠를 데 | 빠르던 데 |
DV (cons.) | 어둡다 | 어두웠는 데 | 어두운 데 | 어두울 데 | 어둡던 데 |
Noun (vowel) | 남자 | 남자였는 데 | 남자인 데 | 남자일 데 | 남자였던 데 |
Noun (cons.) | 사람 | 사람이었는 데 | 사람인 데 | 사람일 건데 | 사람이였던 데 |
AV = action verb / processive verb.
DV = descriptive verb / ‘adjective’.
Nouns take the copula (이다) and this becomes a DV.
i) Place
ii) Aspect
iii) Representing tasks
iv) Representing situations
Expanded forms
Additional details
Associated grammar
See also
User examples
The bound noun 데 can be used in several different ways:
i) meaning ‘place’,
ii) meaning ‘aspect’,
iii) meaning ‘task, process, action, activity’, and
iv) meaning ‘situation, circumstance, condition’.
This entry aims to explain each usage of 데 and how they relate to each other. Basically, 데 started as a noun meaning ‘place’ and progressed to the other meanings over time. See UKG-011 for an overview of how 데 meaning ‘place’ progressed to 데 meaning ‘situation’, and then to the sentence ending 는데(요). This video also explains the reason for ambiguity surrounding ‘는 데’ and ‘는데’.
Importantly, note that there is overlap among these usages, particularly iii) and iv).
As a bound noun, 데 must be preceded by a modifying phrase and a modifier, M(ㄴ|는|ㄹ|던).
• From 데 meaning ‘place’ and ‘aspect’ comes the following vocabulary:
– 가운데 centre
– 군데 place, spot, part
– 쓸데없다 unnecessary, useless
i) Place
The original meaning of 데 is ‘place’. Here it refers to spatial locations.
좀 더 조용할 데로 가자.
Let’s go somewhere quieter.
Here ‘somewhere quieter’ is a spatial location represented by the phrase 조용할 데 (quiet place). Note that what comes before 데 helps describe ‘the place’.
괴물들이 사는 데
where the monsters live
야, 이건 뭐하는 데야?
Hey, what is this place?
콩 심은 데 콩 나고 팥 심은 데 팥 난다.
Beans grow where they are planted.
(You reap what you sow)
As a noun, 데 can take many different particles.
M 데가
난 서울에 간 데가 많아.
I’ve been to many places in 서울.
지금 가는 데가 어디인데?
Where are you going now?
M 데에
교통이 편리한 데에 살고 싶어요.
I want to live somewhere with convenient transportation.
M 데에는
교통이 편리한 데에는 살고 싶어요.
I want to live somewhere with convenient transportation (not here).
M 데에만
교통이 편리한 데에만 살고 싶어요.
I only want to live somewhere with convenient transportation.
M 데에서 (abbreviated to 데서)
천둥소리가 먼 데서 우르릉거렸다.
Thunder rumbled in the distance.
아무 데서나 담배를 피우면 안 됩니다.
You can’t smoke just anywhere.
M 데로
물은 낮은 데로 흐른다.
Water flows downwards.
M 데도
난 아무 데도 안 가.
I am not going anywhere.
ii) Aspect
Extending from the meaning of ‘place’ comes the meaning of ‘aspect’.
친절한 데가 마음에 들어요.
I’m fond of her kindness.
In this example, 데 is used to express a particular aspect of the girl. Here 데 is a metaphorical extension from ‘physical place’ and has a ‘part of the whole’ meaning.
쓸 데 없는 사람
a useless person
내가 읽은 데를 다시 한번 읽어주세요.
Please read the part that I read.
제가 아는 데까지 말씀 드리겠습니다.
I’ll tell you the extent that I know.
할 수 있는 데까지 최선을 다하자!
Let’s do everything we can!
참는 데도 한계가 있어.
I’ve had enough of it.
(There’s a limit to my patience)
iii) Representing tasks
Over time, 데 ‘evolved’ from denoting locations to representing tasks. This change occurred as 데 went from having a ‘space meaning’ to having a ‘time meaning’. In this usage, 데 conveys the process, action or activity at hand.
이 책을 읽는 데 세 시간이 걸렸어.
It took three hours to read this book.
In this example, 데 represents the ‘activity’ at hand (reading a book). We can see that the meaning of ‘place’ has progressed to meaning ‘when it comes to’.
공부를 하는 데 있어서
in the process of studying
수영하는 데에 자신이 없어요.
I’m not a confident swimmer.
집을 사는 데 돈이 많이 들었어.
It cost me a lot to buy this place.
땅의 넓이를 측량하는 데에 써요.
It’s used for measuring the extent of land.
김치 만드는 데에 뭐가 필요합니까?
What do we need to make 김치?
이 책은 한국 역사를 이해하는 데 큰 도움이 됐다.
This book helped a lot in understanding Korean history.
시험을 통과하는 데 최선을 다할 거야.
Liberal translation – I’m going to give it my best to pass the exam.
Literal translation – In the act of passing the exam, I’m going to try my best.
[From Korean Grammar Differently]
iv) Representing situations
In this usage, 데 represents the situation, circumstances or conditions at hand.
운동하는 데 발목이 아프신가요?
Do your ankles hurt while exercising?
In this example, 데 represents the ‘situation’ at hand (situation where one is exercising). We can see that the meaning of ‘place’ has progressed to meaning ‘time when’. Note this usage is similar to usage iii).
밥 먹는 데 불편하다
discomfort when eating
overlap between ‘task’ and ‘situation’
이제 한국말 하는 데는 별로 어려움이 없어요.
Nowadays, speaking in Korean isn’t particularly difficult.
머리 아픈 데에 이 약이 좋아요.
This medicine is good for when you have a headache.
코딩을 배우는 데 쓰는 돈이 아깝지 않아요.
I don’t regret the money I spent on learning to program.
할 일이 많은 데 사람들이 할 의욕을 보이지 않는다.
While there are many things to be done, people don’t show any intention to do them.
People don’t show any intention to do the many things that need to be done.
매우 이상하다는 데에 동의해.
I agree that it looks very strange.
그런 데야 어쩔 도리가 있겠어?
What can you do about it?
나 수다쟁인데 연설하는 데 소질이 별로 없잖아.
I’m talkative, but I’m not very good at public speaking.
이 합의는 북한이 미사일 역량이 한층 강화된 데 따라 추진됐다.
This agreement was pushed ahead following North Korea’s enhanced missile capabilities.
This usage is sometimes ambiguously similar to the clause connective 는데 which presents background circumstances. See UKG-011 for the explanation why.
a) 비자를 받는 데에 뭐뭐가 필요해요?
What do I need for the visa?
b) 비자를 받아야 하는데 뭐뭐가 필요해요?
I need to get a visa, and so what sort of things do I need?
a) 사람들이 공부하는 데에 조용히 해야죠.
You need to be quiet when people are studying.
b) 사람들이 공부하는데 좀 조용히 하세요.
Please be quiet because people are studying.
a) 어차피 여행 가는 데에 돈이 들잖아요.
We need to spend money on the trip anyway.
More concern with the cost of travel (over the task/situation).
b) 어차피 여행 가는데 돈이 들잖아요.
We need to spend money on the trip anyway.
Expanded forms
M 데(에) is sometimes expanded with the following forms:
M 데야
Particle (이)야 can attach to 데 simply for emphatic effect.
P(이)야 Example:
이번에야 잘 되겠지.
This time, it will work out.
M 데야 Examples:
그런 데야 어쩔 도리가 있겠어?
What can you do about it?
사랑을 하는 데야 무슨 이유가 필요해?
What reason do you need to love someone?
나 수다쟁인데 연설하는 데야 소질이 별로 없잖아.
I’m talkative, but I’m not at all good at public speaking.
M 데다(가)
데 can combine with the ‘in addition’ particle 에다(가). This indicates the action/state of the second clause occurs in addition to the situation represented by 데. Note that 데에다(가) is always contracted into 데다(가).
P에다(가) Example:
금발에다(가) 파란 눈
blond hair and blue eyes
M 데다(가) Examples:
김영희는 노래도 잘 부르는 데다가 미인이다.
김영희 sings well and is beautiful.
늦은 데다가 적당한 핑계거리도 없었어요.
Not only were you late, but you didn’t have a good excuse.
예전 회사에 비해 근무 시간이 짧은 데다가 월급도 많아서 만족해.
I’m satisfied because I have fewer hours and more pay than my previous company.
아버지는 담배를 피우시는 데다가 술도 자주 드셔서 건강이 나빠지셨다.
My father smoked and drank a lot, so his health declined.
끝말잇기는 재미있는 데다가 새로 단어를 배울 수 있어서 학생에게 좋아요.
끝말잇기 is great for students because it’s fun to play and they can learn new words.
M 데 대해서
데 can combine with the phrase 에 대해서 meaning ‘about X’ or ‘concerning X’. This indicates the action/state of the second clause is ‘with respect to’ the situation represented by 데. Note that particle 는 can be added for salience.
에 대해서 Example:
날씨에 대해서 얘기하다
talk about the weather
M 데 대해서 Examples:
부적절한 언어를 사용한 데 대해서
with regard to (the situation of) using inappropriate language
영희가 늦어진 데 대해서 사과했다.
영희 apologised for her lateness.
철수가 시험을 잘 보는 데 대해서 감명을 받았어요.
I was impressed with how well 철수 performed in his test.
그 규칙들을 어기는 데 대해서는 무거운 벌금이 있다.
There are stiff fines for breaking the rules.
울산 공장 가동을 중단하는 데 대해서 협의하기 위한 것이었다.
The purpose was to discuss the shutdown of the 울산 factory.
M 데 반해
데 can combine with phrase 에 반하다 meaning ‘as opposed to X’. This indicates the action/state of the second clause is ‘with contrast to’ the situation represented by 데.
에 반하다 Example:
규정에 반하다
against regulations
M 데 반해 Examples:
영희는 냉정한 데 반해 철수는 다정해.
영희 is cold-hearted while 철수 is kindhearted.
중국어는 말하기는 쉬운 데 반해 쓰기가 어렵대요.
They say Chinese, compared to being easy to speak, is difficult to write.
SARS는 사망률이 높은 데 반해 COVID-19는 전염성이 높다.
While SARS has a high death rate, COVID-19 is highly infectious.
Additional details
• There is only a subtle difference between 는 데 and 는 데에. The omission of 에 is common and without any discernible difference in meaning. Sometimes omission of 에 can make 는 데 appear as 는데. However, as discussed in UKG-011, these two forms are closely related and naturally ambiguous, making it a non-issue. Even highly-educated native speakers use these forms interchangeably without consideration because they are intuitively similar.
• Usages iii) and iv) have considerable overlap and could be considered a single usage. However, separating ‘task’ and ‘situation’ is beneficial because it enables learners to understand possible interpretations.
Associated grammar
[Please ignore: placeholder for future update]
See also
Affiliate links help support uK.
— Ahn, J., & Sun, E. (2014). Korean Grammar in Use: Advanced. Paju-si: Darakwon.
— Cho, H., Kim, U., Kwon, J., Jeong, H., Lee, S., Son, J., & Kim, K. (2019). Master Korean 4-2 Intermediate. Paju-si: Darakwon
— Horie, K., & Sassa, Y. (2001). From Place to Space to Discourse: A Contrastive Linguistic Analysis of Japanese tokoru and Korean tey. Japanese/Korean Linguistics, 9, 181–194.
— Jang, Y., & Kim, H. (2006). The Synchronic and Diachronic Processes of Grammaticalization —- the Case of -tey and –nuntey. Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics, 11, 438-451.
— King, R., Yeon, J., Kim, C., & Baker, D. (2015). Advanced Korean. Boston: Tuttle Publishing.
— Kingdom, L. (2015). Essential Korean Grammar: Your Essential Guide to Speaking and Writing Korean Fluently!. Singapore: Tuttle Publishing.
— Lee, H., & Park, Y. (1999). Discourse-pragmatics of the Korean connective -nûnte : a case of grammaticalization of figure-ground relation, presented at New Reflections on Grammaticalization: International Symposium, June 16-19, 1999. Potsdam, Germany.
— Min, J., & Ahn, J. (2011). Korean Grammar in Use: Intermediate. Paju-si: Darakwon.
— Rhee, S. (2017). Grammaticalization and Pragmatic Inference: The Case of Insubordination, presented at East Asian Special International Symposium: Pragmatics in East Asia; Its Practice & Contribution, December 16-17, 2017. Kyoto, Japan.
User examples
i) Place
그 리스트에서 제가 가고 싶은 데가 많아요.[Submitted by 남철레]
There’s many places I want to go to from that list.
만화를 살 수 있다고 했던 데가 어디에 있어요?[Submitted by 남철레]
Where did you say I could buy comics?
그 영화를 찍었던 데가 어디에 있어요?[Submitted by 남철레]
Where’s the place they filmed the movie?
iii) Task
걔가 떠나야 한다고 하는 데까지 읽었어요.[Submitted by 남철레]
I read up to where she says she has to go.
출근 준비하는 데 반 시간이 걸려요.[Submitted by 남철레]
It takes me half an hour to get ready to go to work.
이 프로젝트를 하는 데 한 달이 걸릴 것 같아요.[Submitted by 남철레]
I think doing this project will take me a month.
친구 만나러 부에노스아이레스에 가는 데 육만 페소 이상 들 것 같아요.[Submitted by 남철레]
I think it will cost me more than 60 thousand pesos to go to Buenos Aires to meet my friend.