
I don’t like asking for help, but here I am. uK aims to be the best resource for learning Korean but faces a number of challenges. Your help can in a few ways:

1. Contribute to the Grammar Reference Dictionary

The purpose of the GRD is explained [here].

Adding an example sentence
A variety of example sentences is important to conceptualise a grammar pattern. If you can contribute a sentence you’ve found in the wild, simply send an email with:
– The sentence and if possible your translation (any attempt is fine!).
– The context of the situation in which it’s used. This is important to assist the reader’s imagination. Send photos if possible!
– A link to the content, if possible, to point the reader to the source. Understand that YouTube videos etc. can be taken down if they are not from official channels. Broken links are a pain.
– Your contributor nickname (such as 반짝반짝). Your nickname will appear with the example.

Requesting explanation for a real-world example you’ve encountered
Say you come across a sentence in a book for P을/를 and you don’t know which usage it pertains to. You can send in the example and uK will match it to the usage for you. We will then add it to the user examples to benefit everyone. Simply send an email with the same requirements found above.

Note that examples sentence from another learning resource such as a Korean language textbook, blog or online dictionary cannot be added to the GRD because the author may feel that their content is being stolen. Only the author themselves can contribute their work.

The more various the examples the better. Consider: newspapers, print and video advertisements, speeches, lectures, religious texts, podcasts, eaves-dropped conversations etc. Lyrics can be tricky because the choice of grammar can have more to do with matching to the melody than expression.

Reporting missing usages or variances
Say you find something which appears to be a dialect variance or an edge-case usage. You can help by emailing the example you’ve come across. The entry will be amended accordingly.

Reporting a typo or broken link
It happens. You can assist with basic editing and corrections. Simply email the production code and copy-paste the whole line where the error exists (so that it can be found).

2. Spread the love

You would have noticed the production codes (such as UKR-005) used for all content. The reason for these is to help reference and retrieve information. The GRD is made such that learners can quickly find what they are looking for and then get back to their source material. If you notice someone looking for an explanation to a particular grammar pattern, you can link them to a GRD entry and help everyone out. uK cannot grow unless it gets the attention it deserves, so I’m asking for your help.

You can right click on the links in main GRD page or in the ‘Contents’ at the top of each entry and “copy link”.

3. Send uK a tip

There is no expectation to tip, but it helps put out more content. Think of uK as a street performer. You can enjoy the show without any expectation; or can choose to support the performance if you so wish. It takes a lot of time to research a topic and produce original, quality content. The GRD is a massive undertaking and the more time that can be devoted to it, the faster entries can be created. You can send BAT tips without spending a dollar. What that means exactly is explained below. If you wish to tip your hard-earned money, you can do so with crypto.

Bitcoin:  1BivyeAivqVA3GCWdodA5PeeLyPzwVE3b3
Ethereum:  0x255CBA0d7eA24e93aC55a011083EA312AD054f94

Make sure to email me afterwards so I can give thanks. Feel free to request a GRD entry.

Tip with BAT:
BAT is the Basic Attention Token and its purpose is to support content creators. This crypto currency is rewarded to users of the Brave browser each month. You can send your favourite content creators a tip by simply using the browser. The token is founded by non-intrusive ads.

Brave is a good browser which blocks cookies and protects your privacy. It’s Chromium-based meaning it takes Chrome extensions.